Collecting without reading books is asking for trouble. Here I offer new and used books for sale.
Old Gunsights & Rifle Scopes
by Nick Stroebel
The firearms world is full of highly collectible items that share in the rich history that is part of the legends and culture of the world.Old Gunsights and Rifle Scopes is the only book that covers the areas of collectible gun sights and rifle scopes, a vital element of collecting ad the nostalgia that makes up this important field.
Used in excellent condition.
Price 60 Euro.

Rebels &Yankees
Series of 3 Books about American Civil War.
by William C. Davis
The bloody conflict of North against South told to the stories of its great battles.
Complete serie of tree books.
- Commanders of the Civil War.
- Fighting men of the Civil War.
- Battlefields of the Civil War.
Used in excellent condition.
Price for the whole set 60 Euro.

The Withney Navy revolver 1857-1866
by Daniel E. Williams, JR.
This book is primarily a reference for the most famous revolver manufactured by Eli Whitney, Jr. during the late-1850s and throughout the American Civil War. The Whitney Navy Revolver documents the results of a two-year research project and provides clear and current information on the various models and types. A thorough description along with photographs of each model and type of Whitney Navy revolver is found in this book. In addition to serving as a reference work, this book provides a brief history of the firearms development and marketing efforts of Eli Whitney, Jr. along with extensive information on the use of his revolvers by both the North and South during the Civil War. Photographs of Union and Confederate soldiers with Whitney revolvers are included, along with a photograph of the Whitney revolver used by Confederate cavalry commander, General JEB Stuart. Much additional information is found in this book, including photographs of engraved revolvers, cartridge conversion models, and other revolvers that were copies of the Whitney Navy revolver. This book is a must for collectors and students of historical firearms.
Condition NEW!
Price 40 Euro.
More books will be added soon!!